The following questions are being asked of you so that the right French Bulldog puppy and the right placement of each Frenchy puppy is made by bringing the various requirements of both the puppy and his or new owner(s) into perspective, BEFORE a choice is made. I hope you will agree that the French Bulldogs puppies welfare must be my foremost consideration in considering a puppy placement. Please answer the following questions as completely as you can, and return this form when you've finished.






 Phone (home):                               (work):


 Referred by:


 What reference materials have you read?


 How many individuals of this breed are you acquainted with?


 Type of dwelling: house condo apartment mobile home


 If renting, please give name and address of landlord:


 Name, address and phone number of your veterinarian:


1.   Who will be the primary care giver?


2. Where will the puppy be kept during the night?


3. Where will the puppy be kept during the day?


4. Is anyone home during the day?         Who?


5. How many hours on the average will the puppy be left alone?


6. Will there be someone available to feed and exercise the puppy during the day?


7. Have you ever owned a dog before?


8. Do you have any other animals?


9. If so how many, what breed and ages are your other pets?


10. Do you have any children?     If so what are their ages?


11. Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals?

       If so how severe are they?


12. Are you interested in a male or a female puppy?


13. At what age do you wish to get the French Bulldog puppy?


14. Have you considered an older dog instead of a  French Bulldog puppy?


15. How did you hear about this breed?


16. What do you expect the activity level of this breed to be?

       Very High  High   Moderate  Below Average 


17. What type of floor surfaces will the dog be on in the house?


18. Will the French Bulldog puppy be kept inside or outside? 


19. How many hours each day will the dog spend outside?


20. How will he/she be confined when he/she is outside?


21. Do you have a fenced yard or a suitable pen?


22. Have you ever housetrained a dog/puppy before?


23. How long have you lived at your current address?


24. Will you be attending training classed with your new Frenchie puppy?


25. If yes at what age will you start?


26. Which activities are you interested in?


27. Who will be the puppy’s trainer?


28. How long did your last pet live?        

      What were the circumstances of his death?


29. Have you ever returned a pet to the breeder?

       If so what were the circumstances?


30. Have you ever given a pet away?

       If so what were the circumstances?


31. Have you ever taken a pet to a pound or shelter?

       If so what were the circumstances?


32. Are you interested in showing your dog in the conformation ring?


33. Have you ever shown a dog to its championship?


34. Are you interested in competing in performance events such as obedience or agility?


35. Have you shown a dog to any performance titles?


36. Do you intent to breed the dog?


37. Do you understand the difference between limited registration and full registration?


38. Do you understand that if for any reason in the Future you can not keep your French Bulldog it must come back to Cajun Bullies unless we approve your proposed home in writing? You are not allowed to sell this dog to anyone else.


39. You Under Stand To Take You'r Puppy To You'r Vet

After Getting Him Or Her .... (We Do Not Replace Puppies)



If you have ANY questions please call us at 601-795-9910 or 601-403-9714

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